This month I'm getting ready for a residency at the Model Arts and Niland Gallery in Sligo, Ireland with a new project called BOG BODIES.
Bog Bodies is a band including me (saxophone, electronics, tape loops) Sean Carpio (drums, guitar, voice, electronics), Anders Holst (guitar, electronics), and Benjamin Rowley (16mm film).
Over the 10 days at the Model, we're going to be collaboratively developing a new work using music and 16mm film image and sound. We'll be sharing the results in a public performance on 15th July at the Model, as well as in installations and smaller performances around the gallery.
We've been doing some preparatory work leading up to the residency, much of which we're collecting on a blog:
Here's a 'taster' film we just finished using footage and recordings from a workshop we did back in December at Anselm Studio 1, Canterbury Christ Church University: